Friday 11 November 2016

By the beach in Goa

When you plan your travel, you roughly visualise what you want from that trip. Somewhere in the back of your head, you feel like it's never seeing the light of day, that your dream trip will be averagely executed. But this time around, it was different.

When one thinks of Goa, you imagine a lovely shack to chill by, some delicious comfort food, a refreshing drink, great company to share the experience with and some me-time.

So did my expectations come true? Read on to find out.

All thanks to my new colleague at work, to whom I happened to mention about my travel plans. She suggested a place and told me about how great it is for a leisurely lunch. I took note of it. Did I go there? Oh yes! I wouldn't know what I'd have missed if I hadn't gone there. 'Pousada By The Beach' was beyond our expectations. It was the Goa I wanted to experience.
It checked all the boxes with great food, favourite people for company, and the most relaxing ambience. While we could get this experience elsewhere too, what we'd have missed is the warmth with which these people offered their service. Trust me, not everybody is capable of that. Know that feeling when you visit a good friend's place and the family treats you like a special guest? Well, that's exactly how special we were made to feel. The place is owned by a father-son duo. They were the magicians who turned a beach side restaurant into a heavenly abode for experience seekers. Greeted with a welcoming smile we were escorted inside. As you enter, you can see scattered palm trees. And that's when serenity strikes you, just instantly. You wonder if you're in the right place. To add to your disbelief, two four-legged animals say hello to you in their own way and as I am not a dog lover, I withdrew. But that did not affect their excitement.

So we entered and settled down. There were no other guests around and we were the first ones to arrive that day. It felt a little less 'real' initially (basically, it was too good to be true) and eventually we got accustomed to the goodness of the place and the people there.

With a warm smile, a young guy (the son) sparked a conversation and presented the menu before us. Fortunately, the menu had stuff that we loved and without much-a-do we placed our order as we were really hungry. The food not only looked great, it tasted great too. And to our delight, the quantity too was not compromised. Once we were done, we were wondering what dessert we could order, and before we completed our thought, a complimentary yummy looking dessert appeared before us. Now, that for me was icing on the cake, literally. Loved their intuitive nature and the temptation to please their guests. Truly commendable!

We spent more than five hours at the place as we befriended 'Chai' & 'Biscuit' (the dogs), took a lot of pictures with them, enjoyed the drizzle by the beach and not to forget, we got a head massage at the beach too.

All in all, father-son and Chai-Biscuit duos were the best we met at Goa. If I get to visit Goa again, I'm not gonna miss going here. And to those who are planning their trip and are staying in North Goa, you dare not miss this amazing place! POUSADA BY THE BEACH it is.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

The Other Side

Today, I stumbled upon some of my old stuff and found some cassettes of my wife's favourite TV shows. She would watch them repeatedly. I wonder what she liked about them. She would always ask me to join her as she watched those shows but I'd just make an excuse and escape. It has been fifteen years since I lost my wife.

As I sat alone in my living room, with nothing to do on a Sunday evening, I decided to watch the shows. I watched each and every show. One after another. All through the night.

The wind was cold outside. But the nostalgia gave me the real chill. The faint echo of my wife's laughter filled the empty house once again. Her face would lighten up whenever she watched these shows. Each time she had the show on, I'd move to the verandah, immerse myself into a book full of stories of a world that existed only in the imagination of a reader. Occasionally, when I would lift my head from the book, I'd look at the window of my house which gave me a direct view of the living room. All I'd see is a woman laughing like a little girl. Enjoying her own company.

Now that I think of it, I wish I had looked at the other side of the window more often.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Dare To Date

"I've never been in a relationship.", she said. With shock in his tone he stared at her and said "What! Are you kidding me? I don't believe it."
I agree it's a rare thing these days to be 20-something and to never have dated. But it definitely isn't an essential for survival. While love is a beautiful feeling, it's not necessary that it can be experienced by all.
There could be many reasons for a person to remain single. Not found the right person, too busy with career, other responsibilities to consider, too cynical about 'relationships' as a concept, has a fear of rejection or is just happy and does not feel the need for another person. Reasons could be countless, but the real trouble lies in the way people begin to judge you without knowing those real reasons that has shaped his/her life. Also, does everything around need to have reasons? If yes, is it always necessary for one to share those reasons with the questioner? I don't know. I don't think there's ever just 'one' answer to any question. Also, before you finish answering people's questions, you'll soon be faced with a question that life has for you. A question that can change you, a question that can shake you, a question you cannot ignore, a question you have no answer to. But it's a question that's asked at the right time for all the right reasons.

Saturday 14 February 2015

The Mask

We are all blind. Blind to self. Blind with two perfectly working eyes. 
Our perception of self is formed from other's perception of that 'self'. We always care about what others think of us. When alone in a room, you do exactly what you wish rather than what others might expect you to do. You dig your nose, spread like a frog on the bed, scratch your arse, or jump like a monkey-you basically drop those shy pants. And as soon as you realize there's someone watching, you behave in a way the other wants you to behave or does not want you to behave. Either ways your behaviour is affected. You are no longer the same person. A different person in your own skin. 
Considering the Burqa culture , in my opinion, it is more liberating than oppressing. One can do anything behind the veil and no one would know. This allows a person to do and be as he/she wants to be. Many movies show how one uses a burqa to get away with things that he/she wouldn't want people to know about. And many a times, be a part of all the immoral acts possible where a covering saves the person from being exposed. Which means it's OK to do wrong things when no one is watching? Does conscience really exist? Would all of us be the same if we had the power to be invisible? Think. Think.

Saturday 24 January 2015

A noiseless matter

They sat together in silence. Angry and tired. 
It wasn't the first time. But she hoped it was the last.
Silence pained her immensely. And when she tried to break it, she failed. 
They hate to hurt. But when they do, they do it extremely well.
Stubborn as hell, both remained still like rocks on a mountain. 
Trying hard to hate, trying harder to ignore. They sat with their backs facing each other. 
It wasn't the first time. But she hoped it was the last.

The words they said to each other echoed in her mind like a sad song. 
After a long while, when there was nothing to distract, their eyes met. 
A blank stare. 
And it was the end of it all. 
It wasn't the first time. But she hoped it was the last. 

Sunday 1 June 2014

Rode on the road.

I am close to 21 and I quite recently learnt to ride. I missed the fun of riding cycle in my childhood but I did learn it finally with the help of kids in my street who are a decade younger to me. After being a graduate and having nothing to do in your hands, you tend to crave for more learning and that's when you take up the tasks which were ignored earlier among the other things life offered.
Seeing the world as a pedestrian is so much more different from seeing it from a rider's point of view. Initially when I started riding I would behave like a timid Indian pedestrian who is bound to give way to those with the power vested in them by the means of their vehicle. It was difficult for me to hush away the fear in the beginning. Anything done continuously for 21 days becomes a habit, and here it's 21 years that I've been in the habit of walking. However with time I'm growing to become fearless.
Before I learnt to ride, I always blamed the riders/drivers for accidents that occurred. But as I can now see the other side of the story, there's more to the cause of accidents. Preoccupied pedestrians, dreamers, people who are easily distracted by lights, colours, posters, amateur street walkers (remember walking on roads is now a skill which only few posess, rest are just lucky to survive), fighters (I mean those who are on roads after a fight, they come on streets just to vent), people who do multitasking- text and walk, impulsive tourists and crazy artists (includes bloggers too). Yes, these along with the rider's 'killer' intentions could be the possible reasons for accidents to occur.
However, when innocent naive riders like me are handed over the responsibility of lives on the roads, things get interesting you know. Well, everyone has these 'cute guy' incidents and I had one recently. So I was consciously riding, with all my attention on the road, not thinking of anything else but riding. And from the other side of the road a handsome distraction arrives and I could sense I was losing control. Well what can I do, I'm still a learner (in terms of riding I meant). Somehow I balanced my bike to not get embarrassed by falling down or crashing into him. And while I was doing this I realised he was looking at me . As he approached closer I saw him signalling to me. Don't get your hopes high but I like the way you think. He was just asking me to switch off the headlight as it was daytime. Phew.
Adding to the adventure, there have been uncountable times when I felt like I'm going to kill the one in front of me. But fortunately or unfortunately, they have all been lucky. I feel like I have gifted each person a new life. I could have changed both their future as well as mine. Now I can proudly say I'm a social worker. And how you'd ask. I'll say by saving your life.

My advice goes to people on the roads- do not read blogs like these while you are walking or driving or riding; start wearing helmets you walkers, put that head to good use I say; join a crash course where they teach you to walk attentively on roads (I need one before y'all, so let me know if you find one); walk faster, it helps reduce weight (I have scientific backing); save fuel, walk more. But more importantly save lives, walk carefully. 

Friday 23 May 2014

_ _ _ r_age

The word rhymes with rage,
And so does my emotion towards it.
Where a girl and a boy are cuffed together to bear the punishment for the sins they are going to commit.

Blaring celebrations, coloured sweets, overbearing rituals, the shehnai's shrills,
Suddenly appearing Cousins to unknown guests - all enjoy while the fathers pay the bills.

Marriage is nothing but a license to sex,
And ofcourse not to forget the high society's ways of asking for cheques.

No, it's not dowry, it's the love they shower,
For our dainty little girl who was raised like a flower.

Symbols such as 24,25,26 are not just numbers, they are famously known as 'marry'age,
Movies, fairy tales, or matrimonial mails- all talk about the Prince Charming on a carriage.

Parents, the best advertisers, show off their brand identity, feeling proud about their product,
then carefully judge target audience's every move and conduct.

We all know how Indian weddings are big and fat,
and we also know how anything big and fat can turn real bad.

Marriage is like food where the guy is a starter, while the main course is his family,
which if not relishable cannot be gratifying.
So if you ever feel like suiciding in a way that wouldn't hurt your parents?
Try marrying. Coz It's more than dying, say sacrificing.

P.S.: I might seem too cynical about marriage but I 'hope' my opinions change.