Thursday 20 September 2012

People and their ways

Such  a  hypocrite  society we  live  around  which  gets  so easily  blinded  with  rumours  and  the  tittle-tattle  of  the  people.
How it excites  people  to  quickly  point  their  fingers  on  the so-called  well-known  and  well-off  people. ‘To  err is  human’ , this  is  how  the  saying  goes ; then  how  is  it  that  only  when  ‘well-off’  commit  mistakes (supposedly)  they  are  blamed  and  accused  so  wickedly..  and  how  are  the  ‘not-so well-off ‘ exempted  from  all  this ? Both  situations  it’s  the  humans  that  are involved , then  why  double  standards???
It’s  just  too  easy  to  put  down  someone  by  forgetting  the  many  good  deeds  done  by  them  for  few  unintentional  faults.. but does  one  even  attempt  to  know  why  things  have  been  the  way  they  are. No. One  believes  only  what  one  hears. I wish  we  all  took  a  little  extra  time  in  reflecting  what  we  say  before  just blurting  it  out. We  often  avoid  the  other  side  of  the  story; we  immediately  judge  things  that  are  proximal  to  us. We  live  in  a  society  which  looms  on  people  to  pull  their  weak  strings  and  bring  them  down  to  their  own  level. Sadly  jealous  society  that  spends  its  quality  time   in  gossiping . What  pleasure  they  might  be  getting  out  of  all this , one  wonders!
When  parents  are  ready  to  disown  their  son , it’s  alright ; but  if  the  same  thing  is  done  by  the  son, it’s  brutal. If  one  wants  to  comment  on  things  then  he/ she  should  also  have  the  courage  to  confront  and  get  first hand  information  from  the  respective  person  involved. To  criticise  from  a  distance  is  not  difficult, get  in  there  and  you’ll  know  what  it  exactly  smells  like.
One  should  understand  that  the  action  one  takes  is  controlled  by  many  factors , not  one.  Sometimes  it’s  just  not  in  one’s  hands  to  do  what  they  wish  like.  Everything  is  a  consequence... one  leading  to  another. Someone  has  rightly  said, ‘ what  one  sows  is  what  one  reaps’ ; and  this  is  a  pretty  good  explanation  for  all  that  happens  in  each  of  our  lives. The  KARMA explains  it  all ! However, it’s  wrong  to  pass  derogatory  comments  about  people  without  even  knowing  the  inside –out  about  the  situation. What  is  wrong  cannot  be  undone, so  what  does  the  society  around  do  about  it  other  than  criticising?  Nothing  other  than  making  it  look  like  a  crime  even  when  it  is  not. One  who’s  not  perfect  himself  has  no  right  to  comment  on  other’s  imperfections.
This  would  just  go  on  forever  but  what  one  can  do  is  either  not  care  about  what  people  say and  continue  doing  one’s  duty  or  get  carried  away  by such  trivial , meaningless  comments  that  people  make. As  the  saying  goes, ‘ practice  what  you  preach’  or  do  not  preach  at  all  coz  it’s  easier  said  than  done.

P.S: What  hurts  is  when  your  close ones  whose  values  and  ideologies   you  once  respected  get  tainted  with  gossipy  rumours.

Monday 13 February 2012

Love- a treat to the senses!

Human beings have evolved over years and so has ‘love’. Many of us today are critical of the whole concept of love! Most of us talk about the love in previous generations and glamorize it by calling it the ‘true’ love, the ‘ideal’ one. But here’s my question to them, have you even lived or experienced the love of that generation to having been commenting on it at the first place. I’d agree if you say that love has been more intense and true in those times as people held words more important than life itself. The value that the words had at that time is evident in the perseverance of the relationships by the people of that generation. But what those times lacked is the expression of love. Love existed but was never expressed. Though one felt love, it would get limited to the feeling. The society then was lot more stiffly in nature and thus constricting the free expression of a being. But thanks to the law of time, it is not stagnant and flows even faster than the river. A famous quote goes like this- That which does not change does not grow and that which does not grow, dies! Love has grown past time. Love which was like the radio before has now turned into the I-pod of today. From shying away to the confident deep gaze in each other’s eyes; from meeting in seclusion to the meetings amidst the people; from plucked roses to the customised expensive bouquets; from longing for a letter to the instant message services. Love has become extraordinary with creativity in its act of expression. Giving a chocolate, calling an old friend, lending a shoulder to rest upon, clasping the hands to avoid from trembling, giving a warm hug when much needed, texting across a morning wish, sharing the craziest 3 am dream, preserving the chocolate wrapper given by a dear one, to know things unsaid, to understand the smile behind the tears, to call when anticipated, and it goes on and on...more than the love itself it is the act of love which makes it beautiful. These li’l expressions together add to a larger meaning of love! In the rush of life today, where one does not find time for personal sharing of emotions, these act as the easy channel for the deepest feelings to travel through from one heart to the other.
 In the course of innovation, love is being materialized and taken for granted. One must not compromise on their feelings for these material gains. What a smile could do in the past is now done by a bunch of red roses. The expression of love is just void without true love in a heart just like the flowers that loses its essence without its fragrance. One needs to feel before he expresses. And one needs to express once he feels. Both are as important as the bottle and its cap! Along with the showing aspect, knowing aspect becomes equally important. Show it for them to know it.
If love was true and ideal in those times then why were the highest numbers of wars fought in that era? Love in that generation remained behind walls but now it’s out in the open. The world is far more peaceful than it was and this is only because the people today are more loving in nature than they were. We have understood the necessity of love in life and hence wish to love and be loved. Though not forgetting the fact that love today is being tainted by possessiveness, jealousy, ego, insecurity, and dominance and most important of all, expectations! Expectations spoil the game of love. When expectations are low, the magic happens. Love the person selflessly is what can be advised. One should think of their deeds and not of their needs. Once you break out of your narrow pessimist mind the only optimistic thing you’ll find is love.
 Love is in the living and the non-living! Love is in the candle that stands melting itself in the dark, love is in the key unlocking its lock, love is in the embroidery intricately woven along the cloth, love is in the needle which longs for completeness without its thread, love is in the river longing to meet the sea, love is in the smile that lightens a face, love is in the bright yellow of a sunflower... Love is here! Love is everywhere! Do not ‘fall in love’, instead, ‘rise in love’!!!

The above piece of writing is a result of a conversation with a friend who happens to be my guide and philosopher. This writing would be incomplete without my acknowledgement towards him! Thank you!